Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Eleventh Tahern

Weather report. Hoho.

... Or more like, sky report..

Since I have been having this huge habit of staring at the sky and bringing my baby Dee Ess Ele Arr (DSLR) around everywhere with me, I did love to share the sky with everyone =] Hell yeah, its fascinating *lov3*

Today I have seen the most bizarre sky ever, but thats probably becuz I am so very ignorant back in the past.. Anyways, the blue blue pretty blue sky has disappeared, invaded by thick/thin, white/gray/dark gray/light gray clouds. Its the first time I have ever seen it that way and boi oh boi, thank the Heavens I had my baby with me XD

My dad wasnt surprised. He told me it was an post-rain process (own word =P). And speaking about the rain, the Man up there is seriously something. Either that or the world/Malaysia is so depressing that Almighty Dad hadda start crying for it -___-

Not that I mind. Its Holy Water, why should I mind? The only problem is that my assignments are all made out of paper. And water = NOT paper's best friend, holy or not.

Well, enough rants. Pics' turn now ;D

^ Sadly, yes, I was trapped in a speedy car so excuse the bad composition. Concentrate on the sky XD